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Enosh Overture

for orchestra and saxophone quartet

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Enosh clearly demonstrates Mátti Kovler's undeniable gift for melody, an anomaly these days. 

Mikhail Parhamovsky   Virtuosi


The opportunity to write for the Metropole Orchestra in Holland, a unique orchestra that combined full symphony force with a big band, has led to the composition of Enosh. I wrote the piece in the beginning of my military service in Israel, shortly before the eruption of Second Intifada. The overture consists of themes to the imagined musical theatre work based on Sabbatai Zvi, a recurring messianic character who fascinated me for the past two decades. The central, lyrical theme, carried by the Alto Saxophone in this version, is the love theme of Sarah, Sabbatai's bride.

—Mátti Kovler




Large Version

3 fl, 2 ob, 1 engl. hrn, 3 cl (Bs cl), 2 bsn, 6 hns, 5 sax, 4 trmp, 4 trmb, 1t-ba, harp, p-no (cel), timp, perc, str.

Reduced Version

2 fl, 2 ob (ob 2/engl. hrn), 2 cl (Bs cl), 2 bsn, 4 hns, 4 sax, 2 trmp, 1 trmb, harp, p-no (cel), timp, perc, str.

March 18, 2001

Radio Netherlands Concert Hall, Hilversum

Metropole Orchestra

Vince Mendoza - conductor

Commissioned by Metropole Orchestra for the 2001 EuroRing Arrangers Workshop


Enosh Overture | Hilversum (2002)

Metropole Orchestra, Vince Mendoza (conductor)

12:11, full




Amanda Cooper, ALC Management 



Inquiries for ‘Here Comes Messiah’, ‘Ami & Tami’, ‘The Drumf & the Rhinegold’:

Floating Tower

Erin Simmons, producer


139 Jackson St. Suite 4B 

Brooklyn NY 11211

tel: +1 469 826 0000

Mátti Kovler's scores and recordings are published exclusively by BarkolMusic [ASCAP] and Floating Tower Records. 


Inquiries regarding all European engagements: 

World Entertainment Company

Luca Ceretta, managing director

Király utca 56. 1. em 5

1068 Budapest

cell HU +36 3067 49980

cell ITA +39 329 472 1404

For Repertoire advice, commission inquiries and general information about scores and individual works please contact Mátti directly at

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